Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Boxing Week Sale at Paintballgear.ca and Tacticalpaintball.ca

www.paintballgear.ca, as well as its sister store www.tacticalpaintball.ca, are holding a Boxing Week sale, with everything in the store being sold at employee pricing. Depending on the markup on some items, you can find some merchandise there being sold at 70% off.

If you've got some Christmas money kicking around, or were lucky enough to receive a gift voucher from Paintballgear.ca for Christmas, now is the perfect time to pick up an item you've been wanting for the 2010 season. I've had my eye on the BT TM-7 for a while now, and was actually able to buy it at a $50.00 discount thanks to this sale!

The sale runs until January 1st, 2010.

"Paintball is NOT a budget sport"

I read the words above on a YouTube comment lately, and was that poster ever right.

In 1994, when I was a student living at home, with a part-time job in the Canadian Forces reserve (and some money to spare), I became addicted to the game at my local paintball field. I went as often as I could on weekends I had off, renting the original SL-68 pump gun, putting on my combat pants and a black shirt, and playing until I ran out of money for more paintballs. Now any junkie will tell you that at some point the fix just gets too expensive, and eventually you either have to kick the habit, or start doing sketchy stuff to find cash. As I started to feel the financial crunch, and I wasn't inclined to start stealing car stereos or selling my body, that was it for me! I stopped going, and eventually when I moved out and got my own place and responsibilities, I never really had the money to get back into the game at the level I wanted to.

Fast-forward 15 years to mid-summer 2009, and I found myself with a well-paying job in a new city. I took a date Karting at a local track with an indoor MilSim paintball field next door. I noticed the players with their camouflage and combat boots and realistic-looking paintball guns, and decided it was time to get back into the game! I'd been looking for an athletic activity to get back into, and as a military buff there was that instant appeal. Not to mention, having played before I knew I would get to experience all that fun again.

Now, after one season and a LOT of money spent, I can DEFINITELY agree that "Paintball is not a budget sport"! After having spent so much and done so much research, I've decided to pass on tips to other players on how to keep the costs for this game as low as possible. I want to help players who are currently in the situation I was in 15 years ago: Loving MilSim paintball, but feeling the financial crunch of tuition, bills, and your social life starting to limit your chances to get out and play the game.

Paintball will never be as low-cost as soccer or basketball, but I can show you where to find the deals, how to get into games for free, and how to cut costs on your favorite gear so that you don't have to break the bank to have fun.

Keep an eye on this blog weekly for updates on how to keep playing paintball, while keeping your costs to a minimum. As I primarily play in Ottawa and Montreal, these entries will tend to focus sometimes on fields and stores in those two Canadian cities. But the same principles will usually apply wherever you are. And of course, with deals on gear found on the Internet, it won't matter where on Earth you are!

Note: I don't work in the paintball industry, or for any retailer dealing in paintball goods. I don't receive any kickbacks, affiliate deals, or commissions from retailers I recommend. If you see me recommend a retailer at any time on this blog, it's because what they're offering is an amazing deal, pure and simple!